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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

15th Dec 2017
As part of the worldwide Hour of Code P6 pupils completed the Minecraft tutorials....
15th Dec 2017
Primary 6 have been learning to sew. They are making Christmas decorations. It takes...
15th Dec 2017
Congratulations to everyone who was involved in the Carol Service today. The music,...
14th Dec 2017
We developed our coding skills through the use of Minecraft. We even got a certificate...
13th Dec 2017
The class worked really hard to learn their parts and sing their songs. They were...
13th Dec 2017
Congratulations to the pupils and staff for all their hard work. The final production...
13th Dec 2017
Pupils from both primary seven classes enjoyed a Robotics activity day. The pupils...
12th Dec 2017
Today P4/5 and P5 were very lucky as Barra Best came to speak to us about the weather....