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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

25th Nov 2017
P4 enjoyed a number of group work activities based on our World Around Us topic...
25th Nov 2017
This term P4 are learning about World War 2. We learnt how people built Anderson...
24th Nov 2017
We've been drawing using the paint package on the laptops and with pastels to recreate...
24th Nov 2017
Rev. Webster spoke to us in Assembly about the real meaning of Christmas and using...
23rd Nov 2017
Tickets for the P1-P4 concert will be available from class teachers on Monday 4th...
21st Nov 2017
P5 enjoyed investigating which 2D shapes can tessellate. They also sorted shapes...
17th Nov 2017
We researched interesting facts about a country of our choice to help us find out...
17th Nov 2017
We worked independently to select accommodation, transport, tickets, refreshments...
17th Nov 2017
Mr McIlwaine led our Assembly today. He presented Star Awards to pupils for excellent...
17th Nov 2017
We really had to train hard during Healthy Kidz this week! Circuits, step ups, sit...