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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

17th Nov 2017
Today in Assembly members of our School Council presented Alison from the NSPCC...
16th Nov 2017
As part of our Rugby topic, we were given £1000.00 (imaginary!!) to spend...
16th Nov 2017
Mr McIlwaine led our anti-bullying assembly. We learnt how to defeat a bully and...
15th Nov 2017
We had a recent visit from the author "Wes Magee".  It was an amazing day!...
15th Nov 2017
We really enjoyed our walk to Dungannon Park with our Edendork friends.  Some...
14th Nov 2017
As part of our PDMU, we thought about a definition for bullying, had a walking debate...
13th Nov 2017
We had a very special visitor to school, Mr Wes Magee! We really enjoyed writing...
13th Nov 2017
P4S have been working hard using the Book Creator app. Mrs Stewart was very impressed...
13th Nov 2017
Primary 4/5 worked hard to gain the most points on the Healthy Kidz app. This meant...