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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

12th Oct 2017
While we were up in Twiggly Woods we shared a story and some songs. Well done boys...
12th Oct 2017
The Nursery boys and girls enjoyed their cocktail sausages, tomato soup and marshmallows. 
11th Oct 2017
We have been busy acting out various playscripts, thinking carefully about stage...
11th Oct 2017
We voted for pupils in our class to be on the School Council. Well done to the successful...
11th Oct 2017
We had a special assembly with the ladies from the NSPCC and then they came to speak...
11th Oct 2017
Healthy snacks are very popular in P6. We take turns at helping to prepare the food....
11th Oct 2017
We are really enjoying our Heathy Kidz session each week. Our fitness is improving...
11th Oct 2017
School ends for all pupils next week at 1:45pm to facilitate Parent/teacher meetings....
11th Oct 2017
11th Oct 2017