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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

2nd Oct 2017
As part of our WAU topic, we worked in twos to estimate and measure ourselves.
2nd Oct 2017
Thanks to everyone who has returned the reply slips. If you haven't, please send...
30th Sep 2017
Within Literacy we have been looking at how to write instructions. We discussed...
29th Sep 2017
We have been learning all about the features of playscripts. We know what dialogue...
29th Sep 2017
Happy Birthday to our July, August and September Boys and Girls.
29th Sep 2017
We have been looking at the features of instruction texts in Literacy. We have also...
29th Sep 2017
Primary 5 enjoyed creating a 'Water Word' in art, using pens and watercolour paints....
29th Sep 2017
Rev Dodds spoke to us about determination. Schools Councillors were presented...
28th Sep 2017
We found out that our fingerprints are unique just like each one of us☺️
28th Sep 2017
This week we used our problem-solving skills! We can now debug...ask us what this...