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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

25th Sep 2017
Today we investigated the statement Miss Winslow made, "We all have identical finger...
25th Sep 2017
We are trying to enhance the area outside our classroom door. Today we planted some...
24th Sep 2017
School photos on Monday. Please return reply about Maths/ICT workshops. Book...
23rd Sep 2017
This term our WAU topic is, 'water'. We have been getting creative and using instruments...
23rd Sep 2017
We have had great fun getting active with Coach Gavin. We are learning many new...
23rd Sep 2017
The pupils enjoyed getting to know each other at the beginning of September. Each...
23rd Sep 2017
Primary 6 loved having Miss Jones join us for her PGCE Primary placement week. We...
22nd Sep 2017
As part of our Pre School Curriculum provision the Nursery children have been developing...