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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2016/2017 School Year

10th May 2017
Everyone has been working hard to complete standardised tests. We've used the sunshine...
10th May 2017
In our Literacy, we have been developing our skills in working with others. We know...
10th May 2017
A wonderful afternoon learning more about God!
9th May 2017
Both P4 classes came together to listen to stories from the Bible. They enjoyed...
9th May 2017
P4 have enjoyed stretching their legs on our trim trail! 
9th May 2017
We had a fun morning taking a journey through the Bible. We learnt about how much...
5th May 2017
Our choir were invited to the Schools Around The Corner event organised by...
5th May 2017
The boys and girls used their creativity to make their own 'book in a bag'...