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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2016/2017 School Year

7th Apr 2017
Congratulations to Claire from P1 who guessed the correct number of Mini Eggs in...
6th Apr 2017
As part of our Literacy, we designed and described our very own mythical creatures.
6th Apr 2017
In Literacy we have been studying myths. Pupils then designed and made their own...
6th Apr 2017
As part of our Egyptian Topic, we have been finding out about how the Ancient Egyptians...
5th Apr 2017
4th Apr 2017
Each pair presented their PowerPoint for the class. 
3rd Apr 2017
We have been exploring capacity and weight in Numeracy.
3rd Apr 2017
Congratulations to all our winners😀 Thank you to all who donated prizes and bought...