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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2022/2023 School Year

7th Nov 2022
Ms Rowe’s class enjoy counting objects, making number sets and playing number...
7th Nov 2022
We had a lovely day talking about our feelings and emotions and how we can express...
7th Nov 2022
Our classroom is a busy place. Have a look at what we have been doing recently....
7th Nov 2022
PC Sue was in school today to speak to the P6 and P7 pupils. Sue reminded the children...
7th Nov 2022
We had so much fun playing games with each other
7th Nov 2022
We added some bird feeders to our outdoor play area to help feed the birds during...
7th Nov 2022
This week P2 are enjoying time outdoors to learn and explore. We were very excited...
6th Nov 2022
Following on from Mental Health Week, our new display board in the school foyer...
4th Nov 2022
Today we were revising our 2D shapes. We went outside to see what shapes we could...
3rd Nov 2022
Open Night for pupils due to begin P1 in September 2023 will take place on Thursday...