Parents Teachers' Association (PTA)

The school has a very active and successful Parents Teachers' Association (PTA) which makes a valuable contribution to the life of the school. The PTA organises a variety of both fund raising events and social events for the school community and wider school community. This group of parents works "hand in glove" with Principal and Teaching Staff to reaise funds to buy equipment for the school. The Principal and the Staff assess the needs of the school and identify items which the school does not have, but would find useful, in order to enhance the delivery of the NI Curriculum to the children.
The PTA is elected bi-annually. You will be invited to a meeting where the election will take place. Every parent with a child at Howard Primary School is eligible to stand for election. However, if you feel you do not wish to be part of the PTA, your help and support is always welcome at PTA events.
Among several successful events held in recent years are:
- Community School Concert
- Craft Fair
- Sponsored Cycle
- Autumn Fair
- Quiz Sheets
- Table Quiz
- School Calendar
- Fashion Show
- Summer Fun Night
- Cinema Night
- Pamper Evening
- Car Boot Sale
- Discos
Parents help the school in many ways, not least being the provision of funds for school resources to further enhance the already high quality of teaching and learning taking place in our classrooms.
Equally important is the help given by parents at the annual book fair, sports day, photographs sessions, etc.
We hope that you will play a full part in the PTA during the years your child is a pupil at Howard Primary School.
Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit , 2 Main Road, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone BT71 7QR
Phone: 028 87 722722