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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

ICT at Howard

Winners of Internet Safety Week Competition.
Winners of Internet Safety Week Competition.
P1-P4 enjoyed the story about the
P1-P4 enjoyed the story about the "Chicken Clicking" and drew pictures to remind everyone to stay safe online.
Winners of the KS2 Internet Safety Poster Competition pictured with their new memory sticks and a chocolate treat!
Winners of the KS2 Internet Safety Poster Competition pictured with their new memory sticks and a chocolate treat!


In Howard we place a great emphasis on the acquisition of ICT skills. ICT is used throughout all subjects of the curriculum. Pupils are provided with the opportunities to explore, express, exchange, evaluate and exhibit. All pupils are educated about Internet Safety and are regularly reminded of the importance of keeping their personal details safe. 
It is essential that our children are ICT literate; we have invested financially in ensuring modern technology and software programmes are available to our pupils. In all year groups teachers teach using integrated technology and pupils complete ICT activities. 

Link to safer school app info




Safer Schools NI
Internet Safety NI

The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.