News - Primary 4/5 Miss Cuddy
2019/2020 School Year
20th May 2020
It has been great to see what books you have been reading. Keep it up! 😊
8th May 2020
The teachers and classroom assistants have been thinking about their lives during...
7th May 2020
It has been fantastic to see what Primary 4/5 have been up to during home learning....
6th May 2020
Today we want to wish Mr McIlwaine a very Happy 40th Birthday! We can't all be in...
5th May 2020
Please use the following link to get in touch with the Music Service. ...
3rd May 2020
Good morning. Just a few updates...
Thank you to those who have made contact...
30th Apr 2020
Can all parents that have not already contacted their child's teacher by email, ...
28th Apr 2020
We have received these from Dungannon Swifts. Each week coaches from DUY come into...
- All
- Being Well Doing Well
- Digital Learning
- Eco Council
- Forest School
- Homepage
- ICT at Howard
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Nursery and P1 Admissions 2022
- Nursery Miss Somerville
- P7 residential
- Primary 1 Miss Ewing
- Primary 1 Ms Rowe
- Primary 2 Mrs McAllister
- Primary 2/3 Mrs Crawford and Mrs Kingston
- Primary 3 Miss Mitchell
- Primary 4 Mrs Burrows
- Primary 4/5 Miss Cuddy
- Primary 5 Miss Sweeney
- Primary 6 Miss Winslow
- Primary 6/7 Mrs Hardy
- Primary 7 Mr Calvert
- School Clubs
- School Council
- Shared Education
Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit , 2 Main Road, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone BT71 7QR
Phone: 028 87 722722